The Essential Switch Ports: Saints Row: The Third

Many dramatic improvements since launch!

Alex Rowe
5 min readMar 31, 2020


Nintendo Switch screenshot taken by Alex Rowe.

When Saints Row: The Third came to the Switch last year in a port made by Deep Silver Fishlabs from Volition’s original code, it was a total mess.

Yes, it contained all of the content from the older versions of the game, and most of the graphical effects…but the performance swung around wildly whether you played in docked or portable mode. The game felt like it was about to shake itself to pieces and crash. This was disastrous since the game is built around fast, responsive action. It was rightly criticized by launch day reviews, and no one held out strong hope that the game would ever be in playable shape.

Saints Row: The Third’s stylish menu transitions are still some of the best ever in a video game. Nintendo Switch screenshot taken by Alex Rowe.

Fortunately, in the months since release, and in the run-up to the just-released Switch port of Saints Row IV, all of the issues have been smoothed out. The game received several patches, and now includes a user-adjustable dynamic resolution mode. With this turned on, the game will drop below its 1080p docked/720p handheld resolution when needed in order to keep the frame rate at 30 frames per second. The frame rate is also unlocked, meaning you’ll often see performance…



Alex Rowe

I write about gaming, tech, music, and their industries. Creators and fans are so much more than numbers on a graph.