My Favorite Razer Mouse

Raw specs aren’t everything

Alex Rowe
6 min readJan 30, 2023
Razer Orochi V2 mouse in white next to a keyboard on a desk.
Photo taken by the author.

As I write this, Razer is about to launch a big new wireless mouse — which I think might be a mistake.

They sent out marketing emails and images the other day for something new and exciting coming out on February 2nd. Based on the sheer amount of hype in and around the hardcore mouse community, not to mention all the teases drip fed to them on Reddit, it’s probably a wireless version of the Viper Mini.

However, leaks from the announcement seem to indicate that not only will multiple Viper Mini Wireless models launch, but also that at least one of them will have comically massive holes in it and an eye-watering price well above even the flagship mouse norm. Most high end mice are sitting around $150 right now, but Razer is likely going to push this new model even higher…possibly into the $300 range.

That’s absurd. The Viper Mini was an excellent budget wired mouse that offered great tracking and optical switches — a part usually reserved for higher end stuff. I was hopeful that the Viper Mini Wireless would retain the budget pricing of its predecessor, and although that model still might be coming, it sure seems like Razer is trying to capitalize on fan hype and make a huge profit off of salivating early adopters.



Alex Rowe

I write about gaming, tech, music, and their industries. I have a background in video production, and I used to review games for a computer magazine.