I Feel Bad for Game NPCs

Trapped forever, glued to the floor, wearing a low detail hat

Alex Rowe
6 min read4 days ago


Thok, one of hundreds of NPCs in Horizon Zero Dawn, waits on the ground near some grass and trees for Aloy to help him.
Screenshot taken by the author.

Look at this poor dude from Horizon: Zero Dawn. He’s just lying there, motionless, unable to do anything other than call out for help. His name is Thok, but that’s not really important. Tutorial Area Younger Aloy won’t care a single bit about him unless I make her run over there and talk to him. She’s free to breeze…



Alex Rowe

Commentary about Games, VR, Tech, Music | Former Pro Audio Editor/ Computer Magazine Game Reviewer | Threads: threads.net/@arowe31