Member-only story
Drop Dead Dual Strike Quest 3 Review
If you’re an 80’s child like me, then you might fondly remember light gun arcade games. They still pop up in the modern world from time to time, but in the 80’s and 90’s you couldn’t take a step in a bowling alley, pizza place, or arcade without bumping into one. You’d pick up a big bright plastic gun and fire it at a screen full of bad guys, until you were inevitably overwhelmed and had to put in another quarter. Convince a friend to play with you and it became hilarious bedlam, with explosions and chaos flying across the screen.
Today’s VR headsets are a truly incredible, superior venue for this creaky genre. You can now stand inside the shooting gallery world of the game, and you’ve got a hyper-accurate controller strapped to your hand that tracks in 3D space — perfect for wielding a variety of digital weapons.
Drop Dead has been around so long, and found itself ported to so many different VR platforms, that it survived a full name change for its own development studio at SoulAssembly. This thing has appeared on various headsets going all the way back to the original Oculus Rift, and even the phone-based Samsung Gear VR…and now it currently resides on the Quest family of headsets. With each port they’ve given it some new life and content. Drop Dead sells for a reasonable…