Alex Rowe
Alex Rowe

I've been playing, enjoying, and thinking about video games and game design since I was three years old. From 2002-2008 I wrote reviews for a small regional computer magazine in Oregon. I graduated from college in 2006 with a degree in Film and Video Production, minoring in English Lit. I've since used my credentials to do almost none of that, instead working in audio editing and AM radio, as well as continuing to share my thoughts on the world of gaming with anyone kind enough to listen.

Gaming, like other entertainment industries, sits at a weird corner between tech, art, fun, and the ever-present and potentially exploitative hand of business. It only cares about doing better when its fans demand it through their choices.

Medium member since July 2023
Friend of Medium since May 2024
Alex Rowe

Alex Rowe


Friend of Medium

I write about gaming, tech, music, and their industries. I have a background in video production, and I used to review games for a computer magazine.